Šenkýř Motorsport consisting of Robert Šenkýř, Richard Gonda and Tomáš Erdelyi, three days of the Nürburgring full of rain, damp and wet, Volvo 240i Turbo, wet tyres disguised as slicks and 73rd place overall. Here's a full recap of the action from the 3h Classic (ADAC 24h Nürburgring 2024) with the youngtimer Volvo 240i Turbo (1986) from 1 June 2024. Race footage, real-time coverage and driver commentary, gallery with photos and videos directly from the circuit, general race information. Everything together in one place.
Coverage of the Classic 3h race at the ADAC 24h Nürburgring 2024

Race summary

It's been a tough three days, but the last challenge is over - the ADAC RAVENOL 24h Nürburgring, the Classic Rennen 3-hour race and the iconic Volvo 240i Turbo (1986).

On the opening day we were just getting to know the car at first. The times were not great, losing at least a minute per lap, plus we all felt after the first qualifying session that the car just didn't seem to be running. Eventually we found out that we had been running without a turbo the whole time, as one of the hoses had burst.

The next day we repaired the broken turbo, but the weather was not so good. Still, we managed great laps - Tomáš did a lap comparable to the top, Rišo was in the top 10 with his time, Robert's last lap on slicks looked promising until it was prematurely ended by red flags.

On Saturday we had a sharp start in the competition of 210 youngtimers and weather typical for the German Nordschleife. At first we were not concerned about the result, rather we wanted to enjoy a joint celebration of our rounds, but the racer in us showed and we still wanted to maximize our chances.

From an initial position almost at the very tail of the field, we gradually worked our way forward ... 188th position ... The car was giving us a bit of trouble here and there, which is to be expected for a 1986 car. But for a loose nut and the loss of a wheel in the pits, it would have been a different story... 150th position... Weather wise, the track was drying out and our wet tyres eventually became slicks ... 97th position ...

We kept fighting and eventually brought this Volvo to the finish line in 73rd place overall, 1st in our class and 7th in our group. It was one of the toughest races on perhaps the toughest track in the world, but it was worth it. In short, the Nürburgring with everything - wet, damp, dry, mixed traffic and lots of accidents.

About the race and the car

The Šenkýř Motorsport team of Richard Gonda - Tomáš Erdélyi - Robert Šenkýř will appear on 01.06. 2024 at the start of the 3h Classic Rennen, a three-hour race as part of the famous 24-hour race on the Nürburgring Nordschleife. Under a special Permit C permit and under the banner of the cooperating German PROsport Classic team, we will be driving a magnificent Volvo 240i Turbo (1986).

The Volvo 240i Turbo (1986) is ABS-free, has 300 horsepower and only 1000 kilos. It has no traction control and manual shifting. It's a car that won the last race at the old Brno track - Masaryk Circuit in 1986, so a big hit. We will be glad if you experience the race with us.

Participation in the 3h Classic at 24h Nürburgring 2024

Although this is a classic oldtimer and youngtimer race, it's not just any ride through the North Loop. "We're not going there for a road trip, it's going to be pure racing like we like. With 210 cars at the start and 200,000 spectators in the stands, it's going to be a race with everything," comments team boss Robert Šenkýř.

And Richard Gonda adds: "Well the car is older than me. It's going to be really special. And especially the Nordschleife, so hopefully the weather will work out and we're really looking forward to it."

Already the whole team is looking ahead to the days ahead as they return to a track they are familiar with, but this time with a unique line-up. "All three of us are Nordschleife instructors, I've done 24hr races here before, but now we're going as a team and we're really looking forward to this race."

Event info

RACE 3h Classic Rennen (PROsport Classic) within 24h Nürburgring Nordschleife (PROsport Racing)
WHERE Nürburgring Nordschleife
WHEN Qualification 1: Thursday 30.05. 2024 v 17:15 CEST
Qualification 2: Friday 31.05. 2024 v 10:00 CEST
Race: Saturday 01.06. 2024 v 09:10 - 12:10 CEST
WHO Racing team Šenkýř Motorsport (Richard Gonda – Tomáš Erdélyi – Robert Šenkýř)
CAR Volvo 240i Turbo (1986)

Driver introductions

Richard Gonda

Richard Gonda

According to statistics, the most successful Slovak rider in terms of the number of victories in major international races gained pole position and the highest percentage chance of winning the race. In his career, he won the prestigious Formula F3 Eurocup series and also tried out the special Formula GP2, GP3 and Indy-lights. Since 2017, he has been a pilot in GT3 category races for Šenkýř Motorsport team.
Robert Senkyr

Robert Senkyr

Two-time European hillclimb champion in the overall classification of touring cars division, multiple champion of the Czech and Slovak Republic in hillclimb and circuit races, long-term official member of the Czech national team and driver with a successful thirty-year racing career. Founder and owner of the Šenkýř Motorsport team, who created the methodology and concept of 1:1 coaching for trackday cars and their drivers.
Tomas Erdelyi

Tomas Erdelyi

Tomáš is a driver who has worked his way up from hobby hillclimb races to the top of the licensed races of the Czech and Slovak Republic circuit and hillclimb championship. He also won the FIA ​​CEZ Championship several times. From his first successes with the BMW M3 E36, he has worked his way up to the GT3 category with regular training and diligence, and rightly belongs to the Šenkýř Motorsport coach group.


ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | Crossing the finish line
Crossing the finish line Robert 🏁🏁🏁
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 |Left rear wheel problem
Unfortunately, the left rear wheel is allowed....you just don't want that 🤨
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | Grid
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | Pre-grid v kabině
Richard Gonda - Morgen from pre gridu
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | Qualification 2 exit in the wet
So let's go for it and unfortunately it's wet. The first 70 cars of the first starting group have already left, another 140, including us, are leaving right now 🚀🚀🚀
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | Slick tires on for qualifying
We put slicks for the first time after the wet part of the qualification and Rišo drives
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | First impressions of Richard Gonda
Richard Gonda's first impressions after the first rounds in qualifying with a Volvo 240i Turbo (1986) for the 3h Classic Rennen 2024.
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | First impressions of Tomáš Erdélyi
Tomáš Erdélya's first impressions after the first rounds in qualifying with a Volvo 240i Turbo (1986) for the 3h Classic Rennen 2024.
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | First impressions Roberta Šenkýře
Robert Šenkýř first impressions after the first rounds in qualifying with a Volvo 240i Turbo (1986) at the 3h Classic Rennen 2024.
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | Qualification driving
Boss starts the third training round
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | Pitlane na kvalifikaci
Line-up of cars before the first qualifying session.
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | Qualification insert
Leaving backstage for qualifying with a Volvo 240i Turbo (1986)

Live video

ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | Race
For many visitors, the ADAC 24h Classic race is a highlight of the weekend in its own right. In the fast-paced homage to the now over 50-year history of the ADAC RAVENOL 24h Nürburgring, historic racing cars follow in the footsteps of the endurance classic.
ADAC 24h Nürburgring Classic 2024 | Qualification 1
The ADAC 24h Classic race is a highlight of the weekend for many visitors. In this fast-paced homage to the now more than 50-year history of the ADAC RAVENOL 24h Nürburgring, historic racing cars follow in the footsteps of the endurance classic.

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